SharkScope The SharkScope preferences panel lets you connect a SharkScope account to Poker Copilot. You’ll need a paid SharkScope subscription (Silver or higher) to use these features.
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I'm trying to wrap my head around this ability rating as I am a now using the sharkscope HUD and I have some questions.
Sharkscope says: 'The Ability rating is a rating that goes up to 100 and shows a player's ability based on an assessment of all the other statistics we have compiled for that player. It allows you to easily compare players who play significantly different stake levels and tournament types.'
So essentially all it's doing is measuring your results and not your actual hand play? If this is the case then how much more do we really learn with this data over the ROI/games played? I initially thought it was something similar to the PTR algorithms that measure our play but it seems I was dead wrong.
How many of you are using the hud? I almost believe that it has hurt my game because I seem to be making decisions based on it from time to time (which is my fault). I have been using there databases for awhile and it has proved helpful in the past but now having the hud, I'm on the fence and thinking I should roll my subscription back to the $9.